Banner Blog

Claire Hobbs Interview - part 2

Feb 4, 2019 11:40:00 AM / by Banner posted in Interviews, Health



Claire Hobbs, Health & Wellbeing Coordinator and Flu Lead, Milton Keynes University Hospital NHS Foundation Trust

Following on from part one of our interview in B Procurement, Claire tells us what brought her into health and wellbeing and what drives her:

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Working Well

Feb 4, 2019 11:39:05 AM / by Banner posted in Interviews, Health



Claire Hobbs, Health & Wellbeing Coordinator and Flu Lead, Milton Keynes University Hospital NHS Foundation Trust

From encouraging uptake of the flu vaccine among the 4,500 staff at Milton Keynes University Hospital NHS Foundation Trust, to try and challenge mental stigma, Claire Hobbs' role as Heath and Wellbeing coordinator is a busy one.

In her interview with B Procurement, Claire explains the Trust's drive to encourage people to look after themselves:

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B Prepared for winter

Jan 10, 2019 2:48:28 PM / by Banner posted in Seasonal


B safe this Winter with this guide to winter essentials

We all know how unpredictable the weather is in the UK during winter; one day it’s mild, next it’s raining and then it’s snowing! While you have no control over the weather, you can control how you prepare your workplace. 

Here are a few tips to help you B Prepared this winter.

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Why we need productive tech

Nov 21, 2018 3:49:41 PM / by Banner posted in Working Smarter


The impact of outdated tech on productivity shows why the right technology is so important.

Research has found that UK employees waste an average of 40 minutes every day working with less-than-ideal tech, at a cost of £2,100 each, or 21 employee days per year (Sharp, Oct 2016).

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Everywhere we look we are surrounded by colour

Nov 21, 2018 3:32:33 PM / by Banner posted in Product


Creative colours to create memorable Presentations. 

Colours play a major part in our lives and they affect the way we behave. They can make us happy or sad, agitated or relaxed. They give us direction, like green for go and red for stop and they are used to indicate what's good and bad for us, such as on food packaging.

 But how do colours affect us in the workplace and how can using colour increase understanding, productivity and efficiency?

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Jabra - Your way to less office noise and increased productivity

Nov 21, 2018 3:02:26 PM / by Banner posted in Product


Global trends on increasing productivity in your workspace.

Are you getting distracted by colleagues talking on the phone or having a conversation across the office?! If you are in an open plan office, more than three quarters (78%) will feel the same way.

As part of World Productivity Day this year, Jabra revealed the top workplace productivity trends. These were based on a survey amongst business professionals in the UK, US, Germany and France.

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Five things to consider when designing your office space

Nov 15, 2018 4:12:06 PM / by Banner posted in Working Smarter


Improve your work environment with 5 key tips.

A healthy, happy workforce is a vital component of a productive, successful business. As workers we spend most of our daylight hours and more than a third of our lives in the workplace, so it's inevitable the look and feel of our surroundings will impact on our productivity.

That is why it is important to optimise the offices we work in to get the best results to encourage collaboration and creativity, improve morale and well-being, and ultimately increase productivity.

Here we take a look at 5 of the key things you should consider when designing or updating your office space.

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Changing working practices to reduce the productivity gap

Nov 15, 2018 3:57:08 PM / by Banner posted in Working Smarter


View our guide on how to create a more productive work environment:

23% of the UK workers reported being unproductive at work in the Vodafones 'Unlocking Productivity: Working in the UK' report from November 2017.

Tackling the productivity challenge is a recurrent topic and covers areas such as stress management, process simplification, managerial techniques, and work environment. Designing a work space that enables every worker to perform at their best is a first step to provide a better employee experience and thus a higher productivity.

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Creating productive environments

Nov 15, 2018 2:49:48 PM / by Banner posted in Working Smarter


Productivity in the UK might be on the up, but we've still some way to go.

Workers were more productive at work in the first three months of 2018 compared with the same quarter a year before, according to the Office for National StatisticsEfficiency, in terms of output per hour, grew by 0.9% between January and March 2018.

However, this is noticeably below the long-term trend before 2008 when productivity growth averaged nearly 2% per annum. Many in business and government are still trying to solve the productivity puzzle.

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Customer interview with Pat Condon - What I’ve learned, team building and mentors

Nov 15, 2018 2:39:59 PM / by Banner posted in Interviews


Following on from part one of Banner's interview with Pat Condon, Contracting and Compliance Manager at CPC.

In B Procurement, below we find out how Pat ‘fell’ into procurement, his approach to managing a team and the people that have made all the difference to his career: 


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