Banner Blog

Victoria Whiteley

Digital Marketing Executive at Banner

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How to create a more eco-conscious workplace

Aug 16, 2022 10:39:55 AM / by Victoria Whiteley posted in CSR, Working Smarter, Our Environment, eco-friendly, Sustainable products, Environmentally Friendly Products


There has been a lot of talk around sustainability, and for some people it can become overwhelming.

But with environmental focus becoming something we need, rather than want, to implement into a business it can be a mammoth job to tackle. So where do you begin?

There are a lot of areas of focus in creating a more eco-conscious workplace - from everyday tasks like remembering to turn your monitors and the lights off, to keeping recycling bins in the breakrooms and kitchens. However, there are also areas of sustainability that require a longer period of time to implement, like a greener commute to work or switching to more sustainable products.

Here are 4 easy ways to you create a more sustainable workplace:

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A Managers Guide to being Organised and Prepared for the Summer Holiday Season

Aug 12, 2022 8:30:00 AM / by Victoria Whiteley posted in Working Smarter, Collaboration, Employee Wellbeing


Being organised allows you to concentrate on what's important and prioritise your work ahead of time.

Although we all have our distractions, having a list of what you need to get done in a day can help you remain focused, especially when you have less people around during high holiday periods.

Everyone needs a break, but how can you set your team up for success while you’re away? And how can you prioritise the extra work that needs to be done?

Here are our recommendations on how to B Organised across the summer:

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Workplace Morale: How to Create a Positive Team Dynamic

May 31, 2022 10:00:00 AM / by Victoria Whiteley posted in Collaboration, Employee Wellbeing, Health


When working in a team there is bound to be a variety of different personalities and opinions.

Managing or being part of a team that maintains a positive dynamic isn’t without its challenges but is vital to a team working together effectively.

Having a poor team morale may impact a big project, cause a reduction in the amount of work being produced or increase stress. Spotting when morale is low can be the key to creating a more positive team dynamic, but it’s not the only way you can help to create a more enjoyable and productive working environment for your team.

Here is some advice on how to create a positive team dynamic:

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How to Improve Mental Health in the Workplace

May 20, 2022 11:47:47 AM / by Victoria Whiteley posted in Collaboration, Employee Wellbeing, Health


May is Mental Health Awareness Month, and with everyone going through a rough few years, finding the right balance for your mental health within the workplace can be tricky.

For a lot of people being isolated during lockdowns was hard, but there will be many people who will still be struggling with a hybrid working solution, or a full return to work. Sometimes it can be hard to tell if someone is having a bad day mentally or if they have a lot on their plate.

How can you help a colleague who is struggling with their mental health at work?

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