Banner Blog

Zero Waste with Lexmark

Nov 17, 2022 11:38:24 AM / by Banner


Year after year, Lexmark continues to be recognised as an industry leader for our sustainability initiatives and environmental programmes.

Their goal is to reduce their environmental impact and help you do the same. Their innovative use of post-consumer recycled (PCR) materials help reduce both the consumption of new natural resources and the amount of waste in landfills. All of their manufacturing sites are certified to rigorous quality, environmental and safety standards recognised worldwide, including ISO 9001, ISO 14001 & OHSAS 1801. Lexmark recovers millions of used cartridges each year that are either reused or recycled via the award-winning Lexmark Cartridge Collection Programme (LCCP). Their cartridge collection programmes are available in more than 60 countries, representing more than 90% of their global market.

At Lexmark they design everything with the environment in mind, and their cartridges have many lives! A Lexmark cartridge has at least 10 lives, the can be remanufactured more than 10 times before they are then recycled. All Lexmark toner cartridges are designed based on the principle of zero waste, the circular economy and the 100% of Lexmark collected cartridges are reused and recycled. Recycling your Lexmark cartridges has never been easier. Thanks to the Lexmark Cartridge Collection Programme (LCCP) you can reduce your environmental footprint while limiting your waste.

Lexmark’s Cartridge Collection Programme (LCCP) combines high-performance logistics and service with innovative tools to offer you a collection, recycle and reuse process that’s modern, efficient and ideally adapted to your consumption volumes.

  • All Lexmark cartridges collected by Lexmark are 100% reused or recycled meaning zero landfill waste
  • Free, easy, and convenient cartridge recycling with online tools and the LCCP mobile app
  • Eco reports providing full traceability of your equipment with a 99% recovery rate
  • Lexmark is a recognised industry leader for sustainability initiatives

With Lexmark you can experience free, innovative recycling services for your eco responsible business, that yield solid, quantifiable results, allowing you to be part of the positive change.

Find out more

Click the link below to watch the video below from Lexmark to learn more about their LCCP scheme:

Lexmark cartridges have many lives - Lexmark puts you in the loop #2 - YouTube

Or Click here to visit Lexmark website to discover more about the LCCP scheme

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Written by Banner

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